Thursday, November 4, 2010

Busting Out Final

When I got home late one night, there was a message on the answering machine saying that Western Technical College had an opening to live in the dorms. My heart was racing from excitement. It was hard to believe I finally got a chance to live the dorm life.  I was anxious to gain the independence that I always wanted. 
            I spent many years wondering what life would be like living in the dorms on campus. I couldn’t wait to go shopping for dorm necessities. I was so eager to have a roommate and meet new people. When I first moved in, even though we had our own bathrooms, I found my dorm room to be much too small for two people to live in. My excitement filled me to the brink, and I was extremely happy with my new situation. I wouldn’t have to worry about my parents demanding me to do things and be restricted by their discipline. I now had the freedom to do whatever I wanted and felt liberated to make all of my own decisions. It took time to adapt to my new living space, but I eventually pulled through and ended up having lots of fun.
            Having a life at home, my parents never let me stay out late, and when I did, I got in trouble. One night I got home at two in the morning and my parents found out about it. The next morning they were yelling at me saying that there was no reason for me to be out that late. Then for my punishment, I got grounded for two weeks and received a curfew at 10:00 p.m. I couldn’t stand living under their rules. Even though it made me mad, I still abided by their rules. While I was moving into the dorms, I frequently thought about how late I’d be able to stay up and stay out. There would be no more days or nights where I would get yelled at or grounded if I chose to have fun with friends until 2:00 a.m.
            One college night, my roommate and I wanted to have some fun. Because we were hungry, we decided to go to taco bell and get something to eat at 11:00 p.m. When we got there, we saw a group of cute boys. My roommate and I got excited and wanted to talk to them. So me being a flirt, I went over there to say hi and talked to them for a little bit. It was kind of awkward talking to them at first but there were nice so it made things easier. Then, when we all left the guys wanted to race cars with me and my roommate. We then raced down the street, but then they tricked us. Instead of going straight they turned right. Right when they went, the light turned red on us and my roommate slammed on her brakes as hard as she could and we came to a jolting stop. That scared the crap out of me. It felt like I was going to go through the windshield, but I wouldn’t because I had my seatbelt on. After that one heck of an excitement, we decided to go to Walmart and walk around. By this time it was after 12. We were goofing around for about an hour or so then we left. After that we still weren’t tired, so we went to see if one of her friends were still up. We went over to her friend’s house and played games until 2:30 a.m. It was insane but fun.
            As a second year college student, I look back on these memories and admire the comparison I have thought about. I experienced a different change in life. I still have fun with my friends, going out and staying out late. I visit my family frequently. Now that I have my own responsibilities, my parents don’t tell me what to do anymore and I don’t get in trouble. Through this experience, gaining my independence I had responsibilities to overcome and experienced a new life.


  1. I know how it is with the demanding parents, mine are the same way. I still live at home and they harp on me about it all the time, so i tell them that if they wanted I could move out and do the same thing, I tell them they should just be happy I come home at night, and that they get to see me alot more than if I was living on my own, so they have learned to just deal with it now.

  2. Jezz your a wild child. Just Kidding, but thats one reason I moved here to live in an apartment, to get away from the rules and the yelling of what time to get home. Plus apartments are ten times better bc we can have WHATEVER WE WANT! I'm also one of those who stay up late to have fun but thats what teens do... right? But hey we should hang out sometime soon. I miss you!
